Check Iqama Funds & Refund

Check Iqama Funds & Refund

Check Iqama Funds & Refund: When we submit some fees like renewing a driving license, Iqama renewal, professional change, etc. then we can see the fee displayed in our account at Absher.

But sometimes, we change our mind against and we want to refund that fee in our account. This is only possible until a fee is displaying otherwise the process will be completed that we have applied for.

I will explain all this in a video at the end also.

Check Iqama Funds

Follow the below simple steps;

Step – 1: First of all, log in to your Absher account. If you don’t have an Absher account then you need to create one. Follow this article, How to Make & Activate Absher?

Step 2: You will see a screen like below.

Step 3: Go to Public Query Available Funds

Step 4: You will see a screen like this. Enter your Iqama Number and Image Code.

Step 5: Click on View

Step 6: You will see the details of your funds there according to the categories.

If you see any fund it means that the process is not completed yet.

For example, a fund submitted against a driving license will show up against the driving license and so on.

You will see a total balance there that is submitted against your Iqama.

Now, let’s see how you can refund it.

How to Refund Iqama Funds

Yes, you can refund easily back into your account. Once you are sure to stop the process then you can apply for a refund. Only nominal bank charges will be applied and you will get money back within three working days. may take longer though.

These funds will stay there until are used by you.

You must have a bank account to get it to refund

Follow the below steps;

Step 1: Log in to your Bank account. Any bank like NCB, SABB, Saudi Franci, etc.

Step 2: Choose the Saddad option

Step 3: Go to MOI Payment

Step 4: Click on Alien Control

Step 5: Choose the Category in which the fund is available

Step 6: Check the Refund box & Submit

Step 7: Enter your Iqama Number

Step 8: Confirm the Request

You cannot get funds back if your Iqama is expired & also you are on Huroob

Video Guide

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